Thursday, September 3, 2009

Date Night!

AHHHH.......just the two of us alone in the moonlight. Some may consider this romantic, but something about the melodic racket of the paint sprayer mixed with the aroma of fresh paint and the gentle 90mph Spanish Fork breeze inflating the dropcloths we taped to the doors like balloons that inevitably took flight just wasn't doing it for me. Cordell tried all he could to add to the mood including whispering sweet four letter words under his breath, cooling us both with a refreshing wet semi-gloss coating; but to no avail. I have officially added "painter" to my top 5 list of occupations I don't want when I grow up. It's right up there with garbage man and assistant school custodian.
To be fair, the garage looks great, and we're living a dream, that as Cordell says, everyone talks about but near does: painting and texturing our garage BEFORE all the crap gets moved in. Every person who has walked through our house has told us how they wished they had done it. Now we can officially say we're livin' the dream!

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